Nationwide Freight Shipping Services

Move Loads On Time, Every Time.

First Call is more than a vendor – we’re on your team. As your chosen 3PL, we’ll ensure your shipments are handled, tracked and delivered properly. Plus, you’ll never have to deal with poor customer service.

FCL delivers first-class service every day.

Our team works alongside every partner to establish a more resilient supply chain, deliver products on time and help every business achieve its long-term goals.

We’ll let our customers’ reviews do the talking:

Surprises can be fun… just not at work.

When it comes to shipping, surprises are usually bad news. We cut down on the mystery by being proactive with our communication. Through both shipment tracking software and hands-on monitoring, First Call will keep you apprised of any changes to your shipments, potential carrier interruptions and pricing developments.

Effective multimodal solutions.

Our team’s established connections to a variety of transportation networks deliver cost-effective solutions to our partners’ shipping needs.

Have customers singing your praises.

Receiving top-flight customer service from your logistics partner enables your own business to keep its customers happy and confident – and make your boss happy while you’re at it.

Simplify your Next Shipment with First Call Logistics

Building and managing cost-efficient supply chains is a full-time job. First Call’s rare combination of in-house assets, expert problem-solving and track record of stellar customer service makes us the 3PL of choice for business partners with a wide range of shipping needs.

Resources for FCL Shippers

Shipping Puzzle? We’ll solve it.

Or dial 1-866-730-1150


Solutions Built for Your Business


Insights to Move You Forward

Strengthening Supply Chains with Decentralized Warehousing

Strengthening Supply Chains with Decentralized Warehousing

There’s no perfect formula for anticipating demand for your products. Instead, those working in logistics are tasked with balancing ebbs and flows in demand with dynamic supply chain challenges (both the regular kind and the global catastrophe kind). The right balance...

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The Problem with Ghost Lanes

The Problem with Ghost Lanes

The term “ghost lane” refers to routes contracted by shippers as a precautionary measure to cover potential demand (potential being the operative word here). When that demand fails to materialize, these routes devolve into ghost lanes — unused lanes that place a...

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